the muddy river herbals csa
The Muddy River Herbals CSA offers biweekly (with one three week break to make sure we hit root season!) shares of medicinal and culinary herbs from mid-June through the end of October. All of our shares involve ten weekend pickups consisting of fresh, and occasionally dried, herbs grown with love on the farm. Members will also find occasional wildcrafted (sustainability foraged) offerings such as plantain, dandelion, and violets. You can purchase your share in our online store. We encourage you to read through the details below if you have not taken part in the CSA before.
Benefits of joining our CSA include:
10% discount on all additional products purchased during the CSA season, including fresh and dried herbs, seedlings, and nursery plants. (Landscaping services, such as garden design and installation, are excluded from this discount.)
September farm tour (featuring herbal drinks and treats), where you’ll be able to meet and mingle with your fellow CSA members and herb lovers.
Digital newsletter sent out on pickup day, featuring recipes and field notes.
And, of course, access to healthy, fresh, and nourishing herbs grown by farmers you know (or will know soon!).
There are five different ways in which you can participate in our CSA:
Herbalist Share
This share is tailored to herbalists who use a variety of different herbs in their work with clients, friends, and families (as well as themselves!). Members buying into this share will receive five bunches of herbs at each pickup, and can customize their order based on the week's availability (which will be sent out on the Sunday prior to pickup). For example, a member could choose to receive up to five different herbs in their share, or five bunches worth of one herb. Members can also choose to receive a potted plant or plug in place of one bunch when available.
Student Share
The student share is designed for students of botanical medicine who are looking to deepen their knowledge of medicinal herbs. This can also provide a variety of culinary herbs for those wishing to explore the wide flavor possibilities of the roots, shoots, and leaves of the year's bounty. Each share will contain three bunches of herbs which can be customized based on field availability (see customization options in herbalist share, above).
Family Share
Our family share is for people interested in learning more about how herbs can be used to enhance their health and wellness and that of their loved ones (including kids). Each pickup day members of this share will receive one bunch of herbs which we have chosen for its ease of use, as well as an illustrated plant profile (sent digitally) with detailed instructions on how to use the plant.
Culinary Share
We also have a culinary share option for those who want to explore the world of cooking with herbs . Similar to the Family Share, we are offering one large bunch (or several smaller bunches eg. Basil Medley or Mint Medley) of delicious herbs. Each share will likewise be accompanied by an illustrated digital plant profile with usage ideas and recipes to guide your exploration of herbs in the kitchen.
We have a workshare for those wanting to volunteer their time in exchange for a student share. Because we know that our share members have a wide variety of talents and schedules we will work with you directly to figure out how to best utilize yours. We generally ask that workshare members donate two to four hours of their time per week for a total of at least 20 hours throughout the course of the season. Workshare members should be able to lift and carry 35 pounds, be able to work on their feet for hours at a time, and have or be able to arrange reliable transportation to the farm.
Some ways that workshare members can volunteer their time include:
Driving CSA shares to Cambridge, Jamaica Plain, Somerville and elsewhere.
Our 2025 work share application is now live here! Thanks!
The herbs:
We will be harvesting dozens of herbs for inclusion in the CSA, from arnica to Zizia auria. If you have any plant requests or questions about what we're growing please call or shoot us an email.
Pickup Times & Locations:
On the farm in Canton
Saturday from 11:30 AM to 3 PM
Cambridge Naturals in Porter Square, Cambridge
23 White Street, Cambridge, 02140
Saturday from 12:30 PM to 6 PM
Private residence in Jamaica Plain
Near the monument
Saturday from 1:45 PM to 6 PM
Heirloom New England in Norfolk
206 Main Street, Norfolk, 02056
Friday from 2 PM to 6 PM
2024 Pickup Dates (2025 dates coming soon!): Canton, Cambridge, and JP
Week 1: Saturday, June 15th
Week 2: Saturday, June 29th
Week 3: Saturday, July 13th
Week 4: Saturday, August 3rd
Week 5: Saturday, August 17th
Week 6: Saturday, August 31st
Week 7: Saturday, September 14th
Week 8: Saturday, September 28th
Week 9: Saturday, October 12th
Week 10: Saturday, October 26th
Pickup dates for Norfolk are scheduled to be on the friday immediately prior to the Saturday pickup dates listed above (e.g. Week 1 Pickup is Friday, June 14th, Week 2 is Friday, June 28th, etc.)
Purchasing Shares:
We have a limited amount of shares so we encourage you to sign up soon. You can purchase your share in our online store.
If you have any questions please contact us.
We are looking forward to working with our CSA members to make this a meaningful, memorable, and beautiful growing season!
Matt with a bushel of wildcrafted September Goldenrod.
Jenny with a bushel’s worth of summer abundance. Clockwise from 9 o’clock: Russian Comfrey, Narrow-leaf Plantain, California Poppy, Borage, Kapoor Tulsi, Calendula, Mountain Mint, and Hyssop.
Honeybee enjoying the nectar of French Thyme.
A sunny patch of California Poppy.
A basket full of wildcrafted Mullein, Dandelion. and Violet leaves and flowers.
Edible flowers: Nasturtium, Borage, and Pansy.
Freshly gathered Red Clover.
Wildcrafted Goldenrod and Loosestrife.
CSA member Marianne with a Lavender bouquet.
Jenny, Matt, and a few of our CSA members at the 2016 farm potluck.