Herbs, including those that grow at Bird Park, can be used to make delicious medicinal drinks. If you enjoy a good mixed drink (with or without alcohol), but could use some inspiration and new ingredients, then this is the class for you! Tired moms may especially enjoy this evening with Jenny Hauf, owner of Muddy River Herbals, to learn how to use delectable herbs to make infused spirits and bitters. Get a grasp on how to make classic drinks like shrubs and sodas, and different ways of sweetening drinks without white sugar, such as honey-sweetened lemonade. This class takes place outside, near the Bird Park Office.
Preregistration required. Limited seating available. Price is $15/person (for members) and $25/person (for nonmembers). Details will be shared with registrants.
Questions? Membership? Contact Maura (508-668-6136; For updates and announcements, please follow Bird Park programs on Facebook @friendsofbirdpark.